MySuplementos Points
1. What are MySuplementos Points?
MySuplementos Points, as its name suggests, are points awarded by MySuplementos to our clients during the purchase of any product. Each product is worth a certain number of points, which you can check on each product’s page.
NOTE: this is more a bonus than a direct discount.
2. What is the purpose of MySuplementos Points and what are they for?
Our goal is to reward the loyalty of our clients at MySuplementos, in a fair, direct and well-proportioned way.
Being a loyal customer of MySuplementos brings only advantages in the accumulation of MySuplementos Points, because over time, they will make you save money. For example, a product that costs €50, actually only costs you €49.50, because €0.50 will be accumulated in your MySuplementos account as MySuplementos Points. These can be exchanged for exclusive offers or accumulated in your account for future orders with more desirable offers.
3. How to use the MySuplementos Points?
When you select the option "Finalize order", our customer is redirected to a page where is informed about the total points MySuplementos available in his account. In this same page, in "MySuplementos Points" tab, our customer can:
• Keep MySuplementos Points for future orders or,
• Exchange the MySuplementos Points for direct value in products.
This procedure for the exchange of MySuplementos Points for deals can be repeated until the client runs out of MySuplementos Points.
After choosing the best offers, the customer must select the option "ORDER".
4. What is the advantage in accumulating MySuplementos Points?
To our client is given the opportunity to accumulate your MySuplementos Points until you find an offer that you find more interesting.
5. What is the value of 1 (one) MySuplementos Points?
Each MySuplementos Point corresponds to a value of €0.0010.
6. What is the criteria for receiving MySuplementos Points?
Our client has opportunity to increase his MySuplementos Points in the following situations:
By buying products in MySuplementos, our client receives approximately 1% of the value of your purchase in MySuplementos Points. For example: in a package costing €100, at least €1 is kept in our client's account.
When you create an account in MySuplementos, you automatically win 100 MySuplementos Points.
By making comments of the products bought on MySuplementos - if the comments are in agreement with our regulation – they shall be approved and naturally published on the MySuplementos Web site. With this, the client will receive 10 Points for every MySuplementos approved comment.
7. Can I exchange or return acquired products with MySuplementos Points?
The MySuplementos does not accept exchanges or returns of products acquired with MySuplementos Points.
8. Where can I consult detailed information about MySuplementos Points?
Our client can check the extract of use of MySuplementos Points from his MySuplementos account. Simply log in on our website, select the “My Account” tab and then choose the option "MySuplementos Points". Here you will find a page with the history of your "MySuplementos Points".
9. What might have happened if my MySuplementos Points already exchanged or deduced in a purchase do not appear in the history of MySuplementos Points?
This kind of situation can happen for various reasons, in particular:
Cancelation of the order;
Return of the order to MySuplementos;
Return by the customer, of one or more products purchased on order;
Reception, on the part of the customer, of one or more damaged products;
Lack of products on the order.
10. What might have happened to the balance of my MySuplementos Points to be negative?
Every purchase on the MySuplementos page gives a certain number of points to the client. If the customer returns all or some of the products acquired in a purchase, and in the meantime makes a second purchase, using the MySuplementos Points assigned in the first purchase, the points balance can be negative.
The balance of MySuplementos Points is updated as soon as the return process is completed.
Consumer comments
Empresa que trabalha com seriedade e eficácia no envio dos produtos rapidamente, sempre disponível para esclarecer o cliente sobre as dúvidas, todos os produtos adquiridos tem sido de qualidade. Pa.. View more em Gabergen 60caps
Manuel Faustino
2023-12-01 in 11:15 Hours